Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lebaran! Lebaran!!

Just one of my fave pics.
Check out the rest @

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Parcel & Italy

No connection in what so ever.

Lebaran is getting closer day by day.
It only comes to one conclusion, Parcel Season.
Every year my company always gets around 10-15 packages.
It's 10 days away from Lebaran and we got 5 packages so far...


So? What about Italy?
Well. my uncle from next december will be posted in Italy for 4 years!
I am not sure in what city exactly.
Of course, he'll be leaving along with his family.
It's just that my auntie was just recovered from her sickness
and she's not fully recovered.

My uncle got worried, and he decided to bring along a maid to accompany her.
Then my aunt called my mom, asked if my mom could help her finding a maid.
There, my mom said "What about if you bring along my daughter instead?"

My older sister lived with my uncle during junior high school,
and they treated her like their own daughter.
My aunt said she need to discuss it with my uncle, but I'd say that he'd agree.

Knowing she'll be leaving to Italy, my sis was overjoyed!
Well, she's Italy soccer league fans, so nothing extraordinary about that.
Plus it's ITALY!

I'd give up my scholarship to Italy!

Well, I think I'm going to work like hell save penny by penny for a-backpacking-trip to Europe!
Sounds like fun! Europe here I come~~~~~!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Impossible wrist watch

would you like to buy a wrist watch that'll cost you 136.500.000 yen?

Anyone? pliz??お願い~!
Well, consider yourself lucky because it's sold out already.
SOLD OUT!!?!?!
Who on earth bought that watch!?
Aaa... I got it! Mr. Bill Gates's wife!
wait a sec! The watch was sold in Japan, so Mrs. Bill Gates couldn't be possibly the buyer.
It only means that Bill bought it for his mistress in Japan!!
Yeah! That's must be it!
I wonder how far a person would spend his/her wealth for prestige.

gastroenteric disorder

bisa disebabkan oleh dua hal.
emang karena sakit maag.
masuk angin.

loh kok bisa?

kayaknya emang bisa tuh.

buktinya kemarin lambungku suakiiiiiiiiiiiiiits buangets
kusangka sakit maag.
udah makan mylanta kok gak sembuh2 juga.

Pas dikerokin, seluruh punggungku jadi ladang bunga berwarna merah hati pekat.
Yah ini mah sudah bisa dipastikan "MASUK ANGIN"

dikerokin, minum antangin, bobo 2 jam
bangun tidur. seger deh!

jadi hati2 ya! Kalo lambung atau ulu hati sakit bukan berarti maag
atau gangguan pencernaan

siapa tahu hanya masuk angin!

Monday, October 09, 2006


Setelah absen kurang lebih selama 2 tahun, kuputuskan untuk ikut ngumpul bareng temen2 jaman SMU.
Awalnya sih antara ingin pergi dan tidak.
Soalnya kalo sendirian dari Cikarang kan agak males gitu bow.

Nah pas detik2 terakhir, ternyata boleh bawa mobil kantor.
Merayu teman seperjuangan di Cikarang, akhirnya aku bertiga dengan Alam dan Andri memutuskan untuk berangkat juga ke Jakarta.

Di meja satu ada Lia, gue, Nanda, Ditha, Ario, Jufli & his girl, Alam]
Coba perhatikan alam, dia memonopoli ikan gurame dan cumi goreng tepung sendirian!!!

Nah yang ini edisi lengkap dikurangi Toni.

Paling pojok ada Ario, Andri, gue, Shinta, Lia, Nanda, Iwa, Ditha, Diaz, Gala, RJ, Alam

About me

    I'm a bitch, I'm a lover.
    I'm a child, I'm a mother.
    I'm a sinner, I'm a saint.
    I do not feel ashamed.
    I'm your hell, I'm your dream.
    I'm nothing in between.
    Yeah... That's pretty much me!

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