Friday, June 17, 2005

How juicy are you??

I wouldnt call it a diet program, I'd rather call it health management program.

Until some times ago, I was a-potato-chips-and-choco-fun-loving-girl. Eventhough I didn't eat all those that much, I can assure you I consumed at least 1-2 packs each week. Not to mention salty snacks and creamy donuts at breaks time (about twice a day).

Less workout, sit at almost all day, eat all food my eyes can find and my nose can smell, hell yeah, I gained like 6 kilos in this 2,5 years. Oh shit! The weight gained was not so much until I realize my body resistents drop almost half from last 2,5 year ago. Oh oh, this is sooo yellow card. I gotta stop this craziness. I mean it NOW! this is S.O.S!!

What about going to gym? Oh good idea! I went for like 2 weeks regularly 3-4 times a week, just after work. I work my muscle off to the limit. what did I get, I strained my muscle too much and it literally broke out! I got this 10 cm wide bruise at my inner thigh. It didnt hurt at all but the doctor said I need to give some slack to my body, and have more rest.

So I quit working out at the gym for 2 weeks and felt reluctant to go afterwards. So this gym didnt work out. Oh well, I feel fine and I don't think I'm that fat. I guess I am OK.

about a month ago, this diet boom occured in my office. 2 of my colleagues taking some strict diet program. Not just by restraining eating behavior but more programmed diet with diet food supplements and exercises, of course. One person lose 7 kilos, and the other one lose around 4 kilos (without excercise) This diet program really started to get my attention. I'm not going to force my own body to over strict diet program, but frankly speaking, yes I wanted to put off some of those unnecessary fat.

So I took less strict program. Milkshakes with fruit blend in the morning, some diets food supplement during the day before my lunch, regular lunch and anything I want during lunch, another diet food supplements & fruits at night. But most importantly not less than 4 liters of water in one whole day.

Normally I dont drink that much. just about 1/4 of that. One glass contains about 250 cc. and I likely drink only 4 glass a day. tops. Doctor always warns me to take enough water for my body. The problem is I easily get full, and I dont like going back and forth to the pantry and toilet just to get water. Than my colleague bought this 1 litter pet bottle for me, and since my health management program requires me to drink 4 litre a day, I have to drink that much or this program will result in nothing. Plus this bottle really helps me counting how much water have I drank a day. much easier to count. Now I drink like almost 500cc at once. So 1 litre is gone within 2 times drink.

Awake I drink 500 cc of water, after my morning prayer I drink another 500 cc with my food supplements, 30 minutes later another 400 cc of milkshakes and fruit blend, then another 250 cc of apple juice. 9 am is my morning herb tea, another 250 cc. Lunch I intake another 500 cc and after midnoon prayer another 500 cc. Everytime I feel the urgency to go to the toilet, I take some time to drink at least 500 cc of water before take off to the ladies room. 250 cc of another herb tea during meal and another 250 at night. Plus another 500 cc before bed. Consequently every night I always wake up at midnight, and rush off to the toilet.

But yes, I feel my body a bit lighter, eventhough I dont lose weight as much as I expected it doesnt really matter becaus I think I like my new eating and drinking habit. Not to mention I dont drink coffee at all since I start my health management program about these 3 weeks.

Yeah, I guess more work out will be even better. I'll try to work out at least on week-ends. With all the waters I'm taking everyday, I'm feeling juicy!!! yeaaah!!
So, how juicy are you???

About me

    I'm a bitch, I'm a lover.
    I'm a child, I'm a mother.
    I'm a sinner, I'm a saint.
    I do not feel ashamed.
    I'm your hell, I'm your dream.
    I'm nothing in between.
    Yeah... That's pretty much me!

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